How To Achieve All Of Your Goals Next Year (WITHOUT SMART GOALS)

Jimmy Moncrief
1 min readDec 22, 2015


This is the time of year where most people start reflecting on the previous year and start looking forward to the year ahead.

The vast majority of people set goals like:

  • Exercise More
  • Make More Money
  • Spend More Time With Family

The goals above are fine. However, I want to challenge you to think differently this year. Instead of just more “more” goals (no pun intended) think about less.

Specifically, what do you need to STOP doing.

Stop being negative — successful people never focus on the negatives. Everybody has “life” problems be the positive person people enjoy talking with.

Stop expecting things to be easy — Everything you achieve in life that you are proud of you had to work for.

Stop thinking you aren’t worthy — A lot of time we are our worst enemy. Respect yourself. Instead of asking: why me? Ask: why not me?

In 2016 we can’t create more time. Knowing this why don’t we stop doing the things that hold us back.

