How To End Sleepless Nights

Jimmy Moncrief
2 min readDec 23, 2020

I have 5 kids and sleep great every night. Mostly.

This is not an accident. My wife and I have experimented a lot and have came away with some very surprising things that have increased the quality of our sleep.


Black-out curtains help tremendously for this. My wife and I used to love getting a room at the bottom of a cruise boat with no windows because it is complete darkness.


If you have electronics in your bedroom make sure your cell-phones are on airplane mode. Additionally, make sure all those little lights on TV’s and other accessories are covered up with black tape.


This is the most surprising and important thing we have done for our sleep. Turn-off the wi-fi! I know this sounds weird, but we never tell our guest that we turn the wi-fi off and they all experience great sleep.


I’m sure you have been told this but you experience a deeper sleep without alcohol. You also probably won’t have to get up an pee in the middle of the night. Avoid alcohol for 3 hours before bed. See sources below for brain activity on alcohol versus non-alcohol.

Weighted Blanket

